
Changing Skeletal Mesh in Runtime by AlexPatriamStudios in unrealengine

[–]genogano [score hidden]  (0 children)

There is no way you searched for this. I just googled your title and found a video that shows exactly what you are looking for with threads on how to change it. I was curious about this and the answer was right there, first video =/

50 Hours of Learning on how to optimize - Which Global Illumination would you pick? by FickleBar1306 in unrealengine

[–]Mormoran [score hidden]  (0 children)

The third one looks more realistic, but the second one gives a nice balance between artistic and realistic and is easier to distinguish plants in. The third one is how it should look though, with the heavy cover you can see in the background, it should be dark like that.

Weren't we supposed to also get the 200+ animations with 5.4? by Eriane in unrealengine

[–]Rizzlord [score hidden]  (0 children)

I got a lot of retarget crashes. If I finished retarget a mesh I can use the animation in animbp, but as soon as I double click the window that wants to pop up stays black and use crashes. Same with changing the third person skeletal mesh to a new retargeted one, also crashes. It's so annoying. I love the feature, but it's not worth to change from 5.3 to 5.4 never had such an unstable release before of an update.

Changing Skeletal Mesh in Runtime by AlexPatriamStudios in unrealengine

[–]vgeov [score hidden]  (0 children)

Add a branch that checks if Max Health<= to threshold, if true then add a set skeletal mesh asset and set the new mesh. If you want to be able to change the mesh to the original if the health restores then do the same on the branch's false node, but set the new mesh to be the original mesh. Depending on how you've set up your code you may need to use an interface to communicate with the branch.

Weren't we supposed to also get the 200+ animations with 5.4? by Eriane in unrealengine

[–]Jump-Ok [score hidden]  (0 children)

Rollback your gpu drivers to the previous one and you should get less crashes.

16 YOE web dev. I want to start dabbling into UE5 3D games. Should I frame my learnings differently? by inhalingsounds in unrealengine

[–]goats_in_the_machine [score hidden]  (0 children)

It's going to be a little like learning any other programming language you aren't familiar with in the sense that some of the material you'll be looking at will spend some time on elementary programming concepts that you already thoroughly understand (what is a variable? what is a function?), but in UE's case trying to immediately skip learning materials that bill themselves as basic or beginner-level is probably a mistake, because much of the engine's functionality isn't directly code-related. Learning these parts of the engine is more like, say, learning pieces of the Adobe Creative Suite than it is like learning a programming language. Even as someone who's generally familiar with UE, I still find myself constantly googling how do I [perform simple-sounding task that I know I've done before} in Unreal simply because the scope of the engine is so large.

The other thing is that, because there's so much stuff going on in the engine, the API for interacting with the engine via code is extremely complicated. Most tutorials, even beginner-level ones, are at least as much about how the API works as they are about how to code in a broad sense.

So I'd suggest starting with beginner-level stuff. It's likely that you'll grasp the basics of how UE works fairly quickly, and from there you can start doing more narrowly targeted research on the areas that either particularly interest you or that weren't covered in enough depth in the intro learning materials.

16 YOE web dev. I want to start dabbling into UE5 3D games. Should I frame my learnings differently? by inhalingsounds in unrealengine

[–]ionalpha_ [score hidden]  (0 children)

I've been in full-stack web for 15 years, and have been building a complex game (3D open-world imsim) in UE5 for the last 18 months.

You're right, you won't struggle with Blueprints at all on account of them essentially being visual programming. If you know programming you know Blueprints.

However, you will have to pay up in thousands of hours working with the engine to learn everything else. I didn't really find my feet until about 400 hours in the editor.

Obvious gaps to me would be modeling, animations, art direction, level and environment design, game design, sound and visual effects, and the many complexities that are hidden under these labels and others I've missed. You probably won't struggle too much with networking or data/storage if your web dev involved it (i.e. you didn't spend your entire career on the frontend).

Good luck with things! I find gamedev far more enjoyable than web.

Ex-Epic Dev and UE Veteran. While I wait on upgrading to 5.4, post what you're working on and need some help with, and I'll try to give some advice. by invulse in unrealengine

[–]TheShinyHaxorus [score hidden]  (0 children)

It does indeed work with RVTs, but you’ll still pay a pretty hefty perf tax (about 2-3ms on a i9-13900k, 4090 system). Definitely still cool for the right use case though. There are some posts about it on the Unreal Slackers/Source discord if you’re interested.

How to create proper material for asset which has half-transparent part? by IselDrew in unrealengine

[–]IselDrew[S] [score hidden]  (0 children)

Thank you for a broad answer. I think I understand the idea, but few things I'm not getting. In case I have to create 2 materials, does it mean the part of model, which is transparent should have separate UV and separate set of textures?

Ex-Epic Dev and UE Veteran. While I wait on upgrading to 5.4, post what you're working on and need some help with, and I'll try to give some advice. by invulse in unrealengine

[–]TheProvocator [score hidden]  (0 children)

While it sounds like a weird usecase for Unreal, 1 unit in Unreal is 1cm.

One idea I had would be to maybe use splines? Splines you can easily move the start and end point and have a mesh form along this spline.

Otherwise you have to play with scales which are just multipliers and usually work from the center of the object. Meaning not only would you have to scale it but also move it to keep it aligned.

50 Hours of Learning on how to optimize - Which Global Illumination would you pick? by FickleBar1306 in unrealengine

[–]jterwin [score hidden]  (0 children)

There are some wierdnesses with 3 but that amount of contrast is what you want.

Maybe adjust the light levels of 2 because i think it has the best lighting, but balance it so the brights and darks stand out as much as 3

50 Hours of Learning on how to optimize - Which Global Illumination would you pick? by FickleBar1306 in unrealengine

[–]-ruff- [score hidden]  (0 children)

Third one looks "crappiest", and most realistic. I'd go with that. First one looks like a very good camera, with almost too good dynamic range but, cheap as it is, making it look like a cell phone photo tends to get people to view it as more realistic because that's what they know - thus #3.

I might be mistaken, but it looks like the bloom bleeds more in the second and third photo. It might look even more realistic with decreased range but the same amount of bloom as in the first image.

PCG terrace system I made in unreal engine 5.4 by Sticky_Peanut in unrealengine

[–]mostlyutopian [score hidden]  (0 children)

Wow thanks, I hadn't come across this one yet! I also wish there was an in-depth course but like you say it's early doors at the moment. Much appreciated though 

Changing Skeletal Mesh in Runtime by AlexPatriamStudios in unrealengine

[–]AutoModerator[M] [score hidden]  (0 children)

If you are looking for help, don‘t forget to check out the official Unreal Engine forums or Unreal Slackers for a community run discord server!

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Running on steam deck - will I need to do anything to get the controller to work by joopsle in unrealengine

[–]joopsle[S] [score hidden]  (0 children)

Could I ask a quick follow up question. (It’s another somewhat embarrassing one)

In theory can I do something similarly simple for ps4/ps5 controllers. (I am deploying on steam, if that helps)

I  got the ps5 controller working using a 3rd party executable before I went away - I kinda hoped it would just work on steam, but my quick experiment had no success.

Games that use UE's Lumen for raytracing? by Tinytitanic in unrealengine

[–]Rodutchi_i [score hidden]  (0 children)

RoboCop implementation is incredible, but forgot if it had ray tracing been a while. Digital foundry did a technical review on the game that I highly suggest checking out.

However I have a tingling that they didn't use it, but even if they didn't the visuals are one of the best in any game, top 5 for sure.

Link for the video.

Can you attach an actor that has 2 meshes to 2 sockets in the same skeleton? by gorka_vy in unrealengine

[–]HoodedRedditUser [score hidden]  (0 children)

Seems like a complicated way of doing it instead of just having a right and left socket and equipping items individually to each socket.

It should be possible though, you could just have weapon BPs that have an array of meshes between 1 and 2 and then have the character BP check how many meshes the weapon assigned has. If the weapon has 1 mesh attach mesh to right hand socket, if the weapon has 2 mesh attach mesh1 to right hand socket and mesh2 to left hand socket.

Animation Sync Freeze Issue Dependent on Cam Distance by HeadlessStudios in unrealengine

[–]HeadlessStudios[S] [score hidden]  (0 children)

Appreciate Everyone. The Issue has been RESOLVED.

ISSUE: Animation Sync;
CAUSE: SK_Proteus_Base_MetahumanV2_Body Skeletal Mesh missing PHAT Asset assignment;
FIX: Assigned m_med_nrw_body_Physics PHAT.

What are the best resources to learn how to use Blueprints? by MichaelEmouse in unrealengine

[–]SchingKen [score hidden]  (0 children)

matthew wadstein on the tube. there is nothing better guaranteed.

Endless Packaging (UE 5.3.2) by Ahmad_Coffee in unrealengine

[–]Ahmad_Coffee[S] [score hidden]  (0 children)

This specific red errors caused by Cues with empty references. In my first project it not helped

Someone help me, how do I create an effect similar to the enemy's eyes in UE5 by SleepRen_Official in unrealengine

[–]hestela89 [score hidden]  (0 children)

I think it use motion vectors to generate a blur on a post process pass, not particles.