
creating Disability content for Table Top Role-Playing Games

  • 198 members
  • 76 posts
  • $315.5/month

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General Support
 / month
This tier doesn't grant you the other special benefits of the others, but you will find your name in the 'Thank You' section of the supplements/essays when they are released to the general public.
  • General Support
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Official Patron
 / month
Joining this tier means you will get to read and use the disability supplements I write for TTRPGs before they are made available to the general public. I will write 1 supplement every 2 months, the TTRPG varies, and you will also have access to a dyslexic-friendly font variant of the supplement.
You will also be named at the end of final projects in a special 'Thank You' section.
  • Early Access to Disability Supplements/Essays for TTRPGs
  • Patronage Shout-Out
 / month
Joining this tier means you will get to read and use the disability supplements I write for TTRPGs before they are made available to the general public. I will write 2 supplements every 2 months, the TTRPG varies, and you will also have access to a dyslexic-friendly font variant of the supplement.
You will also be named at the end of final projects in a special 'Thank You' section.
  • Early Access to Disability Supplements/Essays for TTRPGs
  • Patronage Shout-Out
  • Behind-the-scenes content
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